"*~FAQs for Patent~*" |
Mainland China Filing/Amendment Practices There is no grace period from the filing date to submit the Chinese translation for the PRC convention application. That is, it is necessary for us to file within one year from the claimed priority date and submit the Chinese text upon filing for a new local convention patent application in order to enjoy the priority claim based on the corresponding foreign application. Voluntary amendments to the application may be made at the time either when a Request for Substantive Examination is made or within three months, from the date of receiving a Notice on Entering into Substantive Examination by the Chinese Patent Office. In addition, the amendments should not go beyond the scope of the disclosure contained in the initial description and claims. Thereafter, the Applicant should make the amendments on the basis of the examination opinions/requirements of the IPO, which are strictly limited not to add any new Claim not deriving from the original claims, to revise a claim to be not directed to the identical subject matter/claim scope, or to broaden the protection scope of any a Claim. Otherwise, the amendments will be rejected. For a PCT application entering into the national phase in Mainland China. The documents we will need to receive as follows (if desired, we could locate Items 1 ¡V 12 by ourselves if provided with the PCT application number):
PCT Request with General Power of Attorney; A general power of attorney will be continuously effective for a same Applicant for all PRC applications including the new local patent applications and the national phase for PCT applications. There is a two-month grace period for entering into the national phase in PRC if we could not timely enter into the national phase for the PCT application within 30 months from the earliest priority date. Even though there is a two-month grace period available for the national phase entry of PCT application, it is still necessary to submit the Chinese text upon filing. ¡@ |
Hong Kong Patent Recordal ¡@ |
Deadlines The deadline for requesting the substantive examination for an application is 3 years from the local filing date while that for a Mainland China application from the priority date. ¡@ |
Software Patents
(Explained Through Qs & As)
If protection is available for software patents, what subject matter is
allowable (e.g. post processing result, etc.)? Are there any particular
claim-drafting formats that are preferred? If so, are there any
available examples of accepted claim language?
What is the average amount of time necessary to secure a software patent
as opposed to an electrical (hardware based) patent?
If software patents are not allowed, are there acceptable work-arounds?
For example, in the U.S., the following is an acceptable claim "A
computer-readable storage medium storing a set of instructions for
execution by a general purpose computer to [do something], the set of
instructions comprising:" [recite "code segments", each code segment
having a different function].
What is the standard for patentability (e.g. obviousness,
problem-solution, advantageous effect)? ¡@ |