10312月號 道 法 法 訊 (272)






(十一)~Fed. Cir.2012



陳榮福 專利代理人






競爭對手辯稱,§ 271(e)(2) 並未規定司法管轄權,因為其簡化新藥申請 (Abbreviated New Drug Applications, ANDA) 僅尋求核准非所稱專利範圍所涵蓋之用途,但本院認為一但遞送ANDA後,§ 271(e)(2) 法規有可能促使地區法院,行使該法規1338(a) 條款之管轄權。”([1]) 換句話說,一旦專利擁有者主張依照§271(e)(2) 之規定,他人申請之ANDA侵犯其專利,且該管轄權之門檻並非取決於申請專利範圍之最終效度,則地區法院符合司法管轄權之要件。(the requirements for jurisdiction in the district courts are met once a patent owner alleges that another’s filing of an ANDA infringes its patent under § 271(e)(2), and this threshold jurisdictional determination does not depend on the ultimate merits of the claims.)

與愛力根案件之情況一致,本院之結論: 地區法院之錯誤在於認定其管轄權,係取決於阿斯利捷利康是否根據 § 271(e)(2) 聲稱有效之專利範圍。根據 § 271(e)(2),阿斯利捷利康控訴被上訴人申報ANDA,侵犯其所列之專利,且其無需根據§1338(a) 確立地區法院行使標的事物之管轄權。

雖然地區法院之錯誤結論,其對於阿斯利捷利康之請求缺乏標的事物之管轄權,然而該駁回之判決卻正確無誤。(lacked subject matter jurisdiction over AstraZeneca’s claims, its judgment of dismissal was nevertheless correct) 因為本院同意地區法院之基礎決定,亦即阿斯利捷利康未能陳述有理由之請求,可依§ 271(e)(2) 為救濟。參閱數個判例([2])

本院依照§271(e)(2) 本身之意義所獲致結論,以及本院在Warner-Lambert案判決之引導。

271(e)(2) 條規定如下:

根據聯邦食品、藥物和化妝品法規 (Warner-Lambert. Section,亦即21 U.S.C. §355(j)),依§505(j) 遞交(A) (亦即ANDA)


[1]. Id. at 1330

[2]. See Samish Indian Nation v. United States, 419 F.3d 1355, 1364 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (“The court can affirm the trial court on any basis in the record.”); Susquehanna Valley Alliance v. Three Mile Island Nuclear Reactor, 619 F.2d 231, 239 (3d Cir. 1980) (“Returning that Count to the district court for the entry of a dismissal under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6), rather than under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1), would be a futile exercise.”).